Below are a selection of recent articles I have written and webinars I have presented.
Please follow Merit Dog Project on Facebook for all the latest updates!
A Well Trained Dog is a Happy Dog
(CANZ conference presentation plus Q&A: Towards A Good Life 2021)
Considering Consent in Human-Nonhuman Animal Interactions.
Co-presenter: Emily Tronetti (Free recording).
Puppy Socialization During the Level 4 Lockdown
WEBINAR (Free recording)
Live Chat for CANZ - Beating boredom, stress and anxiety during Level 2 lockdown.
How owner expectations and perspectives influence peoples’ training methodology of companion dogs in Aotearoa New Zealand
AIP: Anthrozoology in Practice Conference (hosted by University of Exeter)
"Great Expectations: The Social Construction of Dogs"
Foundation Skills
Impulse Control Games for Dogs: Teaching Self-control!
Dog Mat Training: How to Mat Train Your Pup!
How to Teach Your Dog to Drop It
How to Teach Your Dog To "Go Lie Down"
Dog Training for Kids: 7 Things Your Kids Can Teach Your Dog!
Types of Aggression: Understanding Aggressive Dogs
Why is My Dog Suddenly Aggressive Towards Me?
Territorial Aggression: Why Does It Occur?
What To Do If Your Dog Bites Someone
What To Do With a Dog That Bites Their Owner
My Dog Snapped At a Child -- What Should I Do?
When Should an Aggressive Dog be Euthanized? How to Make a Decision
My Dog Barks at People Constantly: How do I Make Him Stop?
Help! My Dog Barks at Every Little Sound!
Help! My Dog Plays Too Rough With Me
Appropriate Dog Play: How to Keep Dog Play Fun and Safe
Fear and Anxiety
Help! My Dog Freaks Out at The Vet! What Can I Do?
Help! My Dog Is Scared of The Vacuum Cleaner. What Do I Do?
My Dog Was Attacked. Now He's Afraid of Other Dogs
Help! My Dog Has Developed a Fear of The Stairs
Dog Desensitization: How to Get Your Dog Used to Anything
Stranger Danger! Why Your Dog Doesn't Like Strangers
Common Questions: Behaviour
Types of Growl: What is My Dog Growling About?
How To Stop a Dog From Humping Your Leg
My Dog Pees When Left Alone. Is He Mad?
Why Does My Dog Hump? Is She Being Dominant?
Help! My Dog Chases Wheels -- Cars, Bikes, Skateboards, and More!
Fear Periods in Dogs: Why Did My Puppy Turn Into a Scardy Cat?
6 Strategies to Stop Puppy Nipping -- Fast!
Teaching Resources
Best Treats for Training a Dog Wearing a Muzzle
72 Best Dog Training Books and DVDs
Are Dog Treats Bribery? Do Treats Make My Dog Beg or Only Listen When I've Got Food?
Is the Petzi Treat Cam and Treat Dispenser Worth It?
Dog Training Boot Camps: A Smart of Stupid Idea?
Resource Guarding
My Dog Gets Angry When I Take Stuff Away
Separation Anxiety
5 Reasons Why Dogs Bark When Left Alone (Is It Separation Anxiety?)
What Causes Separation Anxiety? Can I Prevent It Before It Starts?
Medical Rest and Separation Anxiety -- How Do I Manage Both At Once?
Help! My Puppy Has Separation Anxiety!
Preparing Fearful Dogs for Vaccinations with Cooperative Care
Cooperative care for companion dogs: emotional health and wellness
Decentring Humans in Research Methods: Visibilising Other Animal Realities
Why a Multidisciplinary Approach to Animal Behaviour Research is Important
What Can "Streeties" Teach Us About Our Companion Dogs?
Great Expectations: The Social Construction of Dogs
In A Human World: Autonomy, Consent and the Emotional Wellness of Dogs
When Academic Life Meets Dog Life
COVID 19: What Dogs are Telling Us by Saying Nothing at All (co-author Nik Taylor)
Can Attitudes Towards Marine Mammal Conservaiton be Manipulated?
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