Course Begins: October 1, 2024
Duration: 8 weeks
Price: $600 USD for Full Students; $360 USD for Auditors.
Organization: IAABC Foundation
Are you interested in developing your skills and strengthening your knowledge on how to best handle and interact with animals while focusing on their welfare and well-being?
In this 8-week course, we will take a deep dive into the uses and applications of critical analysis when handling behavior cases. We will discuss the critical questions that allow us to evaluate our own choice of methods and inform us on how we can best approach each case from a competent, skilled and humane perspective. And, importantly, we will explore whether these methods are the most humane options available to help the individual animal learners live their best lives.
What to expect from this course:
Immersion into developing critical thinking skills and analysis when working maladaptive behavior cases.
Coverage of best practices to address individual cases using a systematic and informed approach.
Explanations of more than just how something works but why it works to best navigate the challenging space of current training methods.
Consideration of the ethical components behind working with nonhuman animal learners.
Ongoing (view anytime)
Organization: DoGenius
The concept of canine consent, including its working components of assent, agency, and choice, are vital for the wellbeing of dogs and for building a strong, respectful and trusting relationship between dogs and humans. Looking beyond species boundaries can help us to apply these concepts in our everyday interactions with dogs, which is fundamental for any relationship to flourish.
This webinar will cover the canine-indexed definition of consent outlined in the book Constructing Canine Consent (written by webinar presenter Erin Jones, 2024) and how we can use this model to inform how we teach, learn from, and interact with dogs.
This definition includes a model of five major categories: Touch/interaction-based consent, cooperative care using learned consent behaviours, activity consent, consent-based learning, and substitutive consent.
You will learn about ways to better centre dogs, how to create a clear two-way communication system, integrate salient choices, and teach dogs about their ability to consent (or withdraw their consent). We will also discuss the evaluation of decision-making in extenuating circumstances where dogs cannot fully consent and how to ethically navigate these challenges.
$40 NZD/session
Organization: Applied Canine Learning Lab
Join Dr Erin Jones and Dr Lavinia Tan for weekly mentorship sessions every Sunday at 6:30pm (NZT) beginning August 4.
Open to anyone involved in or intersted in being involved in dog training, behaviour, vet care, grooming, daycare, dog walking, etc., and wanting to learn more about behaviour and learning science in a supportive learning environment. Particualrly aimed at new and seasoned dog trainers wanting support in their practice.
Contribute your topic requests. Each week we will discuss case studies and various related topics and include a general Q&A.
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